Privacy Policy

Update Date: 2022-10-14

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices about our personal information collection and usage practices. Ultimately, what we want is the best for all our users. Should you have any questions with our data handling pratices as summarized in this Privacy Policy, If you can't agree with any item of the Privacy Policy, we will not be able to provide you with our products and services.

Our commitment to you

Under this Privacy Policy, "personal information" means information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual,either from that infomation alone or from that information combined with other information we has access to about that individual, except as otherwise specifically provided by applicable laws in your region. We will use your personal information strictly in accordance with privacy policy.

What information is collected and how can we use it?

In order to provide our services to you, we will ask you to provide personal information that is necessary to provide those sevices to you. You have the right to choose whether or not to provide the information we have requested, but in most cases, If you do not provide your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services.

InSync-borescope only supports our specific devices. To determine if the currently connected device matches, we read the IP address of the phone's WIFI. This information is not used anywhere else.

Permission Instructions

The fellowing device permissions may be required when you use the InSync-borescope app. The help you better manage your information, we will synchronously inform you of the purpose for asking for the permissions, as wel as the possible impact on your use of the service if you do not enable the pemissions when you are using the product. Please check and read it carefully. Before using a specific feature, you can choose whether to authorize the permissions. In addition, you can change your authorization at any time in Settings page for device permissions. The followings are some details of related features and required permissions for your reference:

  1. Read and Write to external storage: Required to read pictures or videos on the phone when you share them, and to save pictures or videos in your phone when you download them from the device.

  2. Access the WiFi State: In order to sense the connection status of the device and turn on or switch the device in time, the application needs to obtain the WiFi connection status.

Third party websites and Services

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to products or sevice offered by a third party. Depending on the products or service you use, The app products or services may include third-party products or services in the form of links to third parties' websites or SDKs, APIs, etc. Third parties may collect your information when you use such products or serivces. For this reason, we strongly suggest that you need the third party's privacy policy just as you have taken the time to read ours. We are not responsible for and cannot control how third parties use the personal information that they collect from you. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to other websites that art linked via our services.

We do not use third-party products and services that may collect your personal information when you use the InSync-borescope APP.

Retention policy

We retain personal information for the peroid necessary for the purpose of the information collection described in this Privacy Policy or any separate privacy policy provided for a sepecific product or service, or as required by applicable laws. We will cease to retain and delete or anonymize personal information once the purpose of collection is fullfilled, or after we confirm your request for erasure, or after we teminate the operation of the corresponding product or service.

Protection of minors

We consider it the responsibility of the parent or guardian to supervise the child's use of our products or services. However, we do not offer services directly to a child or use personal information of children for the purpose of marketing.

If you are a minor, you should ask your parent or guardian to read this Privacy Policy. Without your parents' or guardians' agreement, you should not use our products or services. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe that the minor has provided us with personal information, please contact us to ensure that the personal information is removed immediately and the minor is unsubscribed from any of the products or services.

Policy Update

We keep our Privacy Policy under regular review and may update it based on business and technology changes. If we make material changes to our Privacy Policy, we will notify you through in-app pop-up messages, so that you may be aware of what information we collect and how we use it. Such changes to out Privacy Policy shall apply frome the effective date as set out in the notice. We encourage you to periodically review our Privacy Policy in the app for the latest information on our privacy practices. Your continued use of products, phones and/or any other devices will be taken as acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy.


更新日期: 2024年05月01日

请您仔细阅读我们的《隐私政策》并确定了解我们对您个人信息的处理规则。阅读过程中,如您有任何疑问,可及时与我们联系(联系方式以隐私政策里约定的为准)。如您不同意协议中的任何条款,您应立即停止使用 InSync-borescope




InSync-borescope仅支持我们特定的设备。为了判断当前连接的设备是否匹配,我们会读取手机 WIFI 的 IP 地址。该信息不会被用于其他任何地方。




1 读写外部存储空间或者视频照片图库权限: 当用户下载图片或视频时,用于将图片或视频保存在用户手机中;当用户管理下载的图片或视频时,用于读写选定的图片或视频。

2 获取WIFI连接状态:为及时感知设备的连接状态,应用需要获取 WIFI 连接状态,以便及时开启或切换设备。

3 访问您设备上的照片,媒体内容和文件:当用户拍摄图片或视频时,用于将图片或视频保存在用户手机中;当用户管理的图片或视频时,用于读写选定的图片或视频。

4 麦克风权限:当用户拍摄视频时,需要使用麦克风来录制声音



在您使用 InSync-borescope应用时,我们没有使用可能会收集您的个人信息的第三方产品和服务。






